ALIEN SKIN BLOWUP V2.1.1 英文正式版(圖像無損放大插件軟體)
check crack\install.txt
Alien Skin軟體公司PS插件:圖像無損放大插件
Image Quality: Blow Up 2 is a
photoshop plug-in that produces
enlargements dramatically sharper than any other software, especially
photoshop! Blow Up uses an innovative algorithm that temporarily
converts pixels to a vector representation which results in perfectly
smooth, crisp edges. Simulated texture and film grain keep photos
looking natural even in extreme enlargements. Blow Up can even clean
up JPEG compression artifacts when a client insists on using a low
quality source image from the Web.
Alien Skin Snap Art v2.0.1 英文正式版(製作自然漂亮的媒體藝術品軟體)
ALIEN SKIN BOKEH V2.0.1 英文正式版(景深效果濾鏡軟體)
ALIEN SKIN XENOFEX V2.6.1 英文正式版(PS特效插件軟體)
Alien Skin Eye Candy v6.0.0a 英文正式版(photoshop外掛濾鏡軟體)
Alien Skin Exposure X v1.1.02099 包含舊版 英文版(相片特效軟體)
Alien Skin Exposure X5 照片編輯器 英文/簡體中文版(DVD版)
Alien Skin Eye Candy v6.1.1.1137 英文版(濾鏡外掛軟體)