Chilkat MIME ActiveX v3.5.10 英文正式版(編程軟體)
Create an manipulate MIME and S/MIME messages.
- Navigate the MIME message tree structure via the NumParts property and
GetPart(index) method.
- Retrieve header field names and values.
- Add header fields to a MIME message.
- Add a detached (clear-text) digital signature to a MIME message.
- Convert MIME to an opaque signed message.
- S/MIME encrypt using a digital certificate.
- Decrypt and validate signatures in one method call.
- Attach files to a MIME message. Chilkat Mime automatically determines
content-type based on file extension.
- Test to see if a message contains signed or encrypted parts.
- Get the body content automatically decoded (if encoded as Base64 or
- Get the body content as a string. (already decoded from Base64 or QP)
- Get the non-decoded body content.
- Convert MIME to XML.
- Test for attachment, audio, encrypted, html, image, multipart,
multipart/alternative, multipart/mixed, multipart/related, plain-text,
signed, text, video, XML.
- Load MIME from file.
- Create multipart/alternative, multipart/mixed, multipart/related
- Remove message sub-parts.
- Set message body from binary data.
- Set message body from in-memory string containing plain-text, HTML, XML,
or anything else.
Chilkat MIME ActiveX v9.3.2 英文正式版(編程軟體)
Chilkat ActiveX Components for x64 v9.2.1 英文正式版(ActiveX元件軟體)
Chilkat Zip ActiveX v9.3.2 英文正式版(編程軟體)
Chilkat XMP ActiveX v9.3.2 英文正式版(編程軟體)
Chilkat TAR ActiveX v9.3.2 英文正式版(編程軟體)
Chilkat Bounce ActiveX v9.3.2 英文正式版(郵件地址攫取ActiveX控件軟體)
Chilkat Charset ActiveX v9.3.2 英文正式版(編程軟體)