Cisco VPN Client v5.0.01.0600 英文正式版(思科的 VPN 用戶端軟體)
思科的 VPN 用戶端程式,通過這個工具,大中型企業可以為僱員們建立點對點的加密虛
The Cisco VPN Client for Windows is software that runs on a
Windows -based PC. The VPN Client on a remote PC, communicating with a
Cisco Easy VPN server on an enterprise network or with a service provider,
creates a secure connection over the Internet. Through this connection you
can access a private network as if you were an on-site user. Thus you have
a Virtual Private Network (VPN). The server verifies that incoming
connections have up-to-date policies in place before establishing them.
Cisco IOS, VPN 3000 Series Concentrators, and PIX central-site servers can
all terminate VPN connections from VPN Clients. As a remote user (low speed
or high speed), you first connect to the Internet. Then you use the VPN
Client to securely access private enterprise networks through a Cisco VPN
server that supports the VPN client.
Cisco VPN Client v5.0.02.0900 英文零售版(思科的 VPN 用戶端軟體)
Cisco VPN Client v5.0.03.0530 英文正式版(思科的 VPN 用戶端程式軟體)
Cisco VPN Client v5.0.07.0290 x64 英文正式版(思科的 VPN 用戶端軟體)
TheGreenBow VPN Client v4.60.007 英文正式版(VPN用戶端軟體)
TheGreenBow VPN Client v4.65.003 英文正式版(基於標準的VPN用戶端軟體)
TheGreenBow VPN Client v4.61.003 英文正式版(VPN用戶端軟體)
TheGreenBow VPN Client v4.65 英文正式版( 網路輔助軟體)