Encrypt v1.1 MacOSX 英文正式版(加密保護軟體)
Encrypt makes protecting your documents as simple as a drag and
drop. Choose your files, type in your password, and click the
button. The powerful AES 256 algorithm, standard for the United
States Government, is automatically used to encrypt your files.
They are completely secure when you share them, whether by email,
website, AirDrop, or any other method. Decrypt your files with this
program or a compatible decrypter. It has never been easier.
Note: Make sure to use a strong password to encrypt files!
Apimac Encrypt Email v2.0b0115 MACOSX 英文正式版(電子郵件加密軟體)
Encrypt Photos v2.5 MacOSX 英文正式版(照片隱私軟體)