Mootools 3D Photo Browser for 3D Users including Polygon Cruncher v10.03
Mootools 3D Photo Browser for 3D Users including Polygon Cruncher v10.03
Mootools 3D Photo Browser for 3D Users including Polygon Cruncher v10.03 英文正式版(文件管理軟體)
3D Photo Browser 是一款強大的文件管理器,能夠查看、編輯、歸檔和組織3D文件、視頻和音頻
文件。3D Photo Browser能顯示高質量的縮略圖,支援多種3D格式,超過60種圖片和視頻格式以
3D Photo Browser for 3D Users is essential for viewing, editing
and organizing your images, 3D files and audio files. This
software includes a 2D editor and a 3D viewer. It includes many
tools (such batch processing, files conversion, HTML exportation,
contact sheet printing, screen or movie capture) you will use
every day. Unique documentation and search features will allow you
to organize efficiently and find quickly your files. This is a
must for processing your images and your 3D scenes.
Polygon Cruncher reduces the number of polygons of your 3D objects
without changing their appearance. You keep all details even at
high optimization ratio. You also keep texture information, vertex
colors. Polygon Cruncher is really simple to use and has an OpenGL
view, which allows controlling optimization results whenever you
want. Polygon Cruncher is used by a lot of prestigious companies
such Epic Games, Swordfish Studio, Anark...
Mootools 3DBrowser for 3D Users with Polygon Cruncher v12.02 英文正式版(2D及3D檔案瀏覽器軟體)
Mootools Polygon Cruncher v10.1 英文正式版(圖像處理軟體)
Mootools Polygon Cruncher v7.51 英文正式版(圖像處理軟體)
NWS Centurybyte Smart Photo Import v1.9.2 英文正式版(幫助用戶管理和保存電腦中數碼照片軟體)
Corel Photo Album v7.0 英文正式版(數位照片分類管理工具手軟體)
Ashampoo Photo Commander 9.v9.2.1 英文正式版(一款完美的管理、編輯、展示、優化數碼相片功能軟體)
Zoner Photo Studio Pro v14.0.1.7 繁體中文正式版(一級棒的看圖及圖片處理軟體)